Materials We Use

We always use primed cotton canvases. They are stable and offer proven longevity and a surface that will not flex or warp with the passage of time. There are many factors may cause damage to your oil painting (e.g. humidity, temperature changes, re-stretching, etc).

All our paintings are hand-painted with premium Pe’beo oils from France. Oil paint is essentially one or more pigments combined with a binder (the oil) and a thinner (such as turpentine). The oil functions as a carrier to hold and apply the pigments, while the thinner makes the paints easier to apply to surfaces with a brush. Linseed oil is the most popular oil in these artistic paints because it dries faster and provides more flexibility than other oils, such as walnut or safflower. Oil paints take longer to dry than other paints, such as watercolors. This provides more time for artists to work and make changes. Oil paints provide for a wide range of hues and a rich depth of color, as they can be layered and mixed more freely than other paints, such as watercolor or acrylics. Artists can subtly change the richness and tone of their colors by adding minute amounts of other colors. This is possible because oil paints take longer to dry relative to other types of paint. Oil paints can be applied to surfaces in a greater variety of ways than other paints. They can be made into thin glazes or thick impastos. Oil paints can be mixed to appear opaque, transparent or anything in between, as well as have a matte or glossy finish. Oil paints do not show dramatic change in color, texture or finish once dried. This makes it easier for artists to gauge what the finished product will look like compared to other paints, which may change their appearance after drying.