Alfred Wordsworth Thompson

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Alfred Wordsworth Thompson

Alfred Wordsworth Thompson

 Alfred Wordsworth Thompson (1840-1896)

THOMPSON, Alfred Wordsworth ( Baltimore, Md, 27 May, 1840 - 1896 ) was an American painter.

During 1862-1864, he studied in Paris, first under Charles Gleyre, and later with Albert Pasini and in the Ecole des beaux arts. He first exhibited at the salon in 1865, and in 1 868 returned to the United States, settling in New York. He was elected an associate member of the National academy in 1873, and an academician two years later, and in 1877 became a membeivof the Society of American artists. He has travelled at various times in all parts of Europe, Asia Minor, and northern Africa, and his pictures cover a wide range of subjects, Oriental and American, including landscapes, genre pieces and military scenes. They include " Desolation " and " Lost in the Forest " (1872) ; " Annapolis in 1776," owned by the Buffalo fine arts academy, and "A Twilight in Corsica" (1875) : " Review at Philadelphia, 1777 " (1878) ; " The Market-Place in Biskra " (1884) ; " The Hour of Prayer " ; " Re- turning from a Boar Hunt, Tangier " ; " The Ad- vance of the Enemy " (1885) ; " The Departure for the War, 1776"; and "A Sabbath-Day in Troublous Times." To the Paris exposition of 1878 he sent " The School-House on the Hill."